Barry's Burger Bits Barn

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Hi there, my name's Barry, and this is my Burger Bits Barn. Here, you can buy bits for your burgers to make them better. Or bitter. In which case you need a better burger, buddy.

Items Sold

Image Item Name Price
Lettuce.png pile of soggy shredded lettuce 60 moolah
Packetosauce.png sachet of "special" sauce 60 moolah
Cheeseslice.png slice of processed cheese 60 moolah
Onionslice.png sliced onion 60 moolah
Tomatoes.png tomato slices 60 moolah
Bacnstrip.png crispy bacon 75 moolah



  • Coincidentally, there exists in Texas "Barry's Burger Barn".

See Also

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