Fake beard

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This is a pretty obviously fake hairpiece for those follically challenged in the facial region. It is also a pretty decent disguise to use when hiding from your opponents.

Type: accessory
Defence: 8
Autosell value: 40

Can not be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be traded
Can be stored

Outfit name:

Plural: Fake beards
Bonus: -5% chance of Combat Encounters

Obtained From




CommanderMack - 2799 | Right2Wrong2000 - 1216 | AxiS_Shadowbane - 603 | Gurps - 439 | INVISIBLE - 380 | JackAssed - 280 | eL_JoEy - 228 | Seir - 213 | McFeisty - 102 | pyroanarchist - 100

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