Trigonometric malfunction

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What happens when an angle doesn't function anymore? Right, you get one of these, a horror fresh from n-dimensional space which can only be expressed as "A reason to run, Forrest, run!"

If only you had arrived *sine tempore* you might have avoided this!

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level:

Power Level:

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:


Combat Messages

Initiative Messages

  • Your elaborate harmonic motion completely cancels its attention. You get the jump on it.
  • In a simple harmonic motion it scintillates right out of the way then returns to get the jump on you.

Successful Attacks

  • You shout "Noli me tangent!", but it is too late. It covers your face in painful ulcerations to the tune of (X) DAMAGE!
  • It calls its cosine to come and poke you in the nose for (X) DAMAGE!
  • It subjects you to a furry analysis. Your self-esteem takes (X) DAMAGE!

Missed Messages

  • It attempts to scintillate all over you but got the coordinates all mixed up.
  • It periodically malfunctions and fails to hit you completely.
  • It scintillates straight into a wall. Seems it still can't find what it's looking for.
  • It doesn't know much trigonometry, which causes it to break down and sob that things would be better if at least someone would love it.






  • The phrase ", Forrest, run!" is a quote from the 1994 film Forest Gump
  • "sine tempore" is Latin. The English translation is "on time".
  • "Noli me tangent!"is a reference to the Latin phrase, "Noli me tangere", which means "don't touch me."
  • Noli-me-tangere is a historical term for facial ulceration.
  • The Noli me Tangere is a historical writing by a Filipino Hero.
  • Tangent and cosine are trigonometric functions.

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