Dare-n-Go Bra

Revision as of 22:05, 18 March 2014 by Spiff (talk | contribs)


Designed by the famous Dunstan Campbell and crafted of the finest Dyrish argyll, this bold fashion statement clearly proclaims your love of Dyreland. This paddied bra is also quite popular with young people, wherever they're from.

Unless your name is Erin and you prefer to go bra-less, of course.

Type: shirt
Defence: 80
Autosell value: NA

Cannot be discarded
Cannot be autosold
Cannot be traded
Can be stored

Outfit name: N/A

Plural: Dare-n-Go Bras
Bonus: +5 to Bravado, -3 to Opponent Level, -3% to Moolah-based NPC Store Prices

Obtained From

  • Given to players when Riley O'Rly left paradox city in 2010.


  • Due to a slight oversight, this item was originally only given to moderators.



unknownZ - 2 | Elusis - 1 | LadyDelilah - 1 | Dick - 1 | Rakkasan - 1 | Spiff - 1 | OinkOink08 - 1 | DiaGeous - 1 | Babbins - 1 | Grokly - 1

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