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== June 20th ==
== June 20th ==
*A new LE item is coming within 24 hours and will replace the L.O.V.E. Bling... If you want to get more L.O.V.E. bling, do it now.
*A new LE item is coming within 24 hours and will replace the [[L.O.V.E. Bling]]... If you want to get more L.O.V.E. bling, do it now.
== June 21st ==
== June 21st ==
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*After multiple requests to disable it completely, I've agreed to change the chat inactivity timeout from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. If it has a negative impact on the game now, or at any point in the future, it will be changed back. Make sure you have chat v0.7.13 to get the longer timeout (refresh your browser if necessary). Please, stop asking me to disable it entirely. It's there for an excellent reason and needs to stay.
*After multiple requests to disable it completely, I've agreed to change the chat inactivity timeout from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. If it has a negative impact on the game now, or at any point in the future, it will be changed back. Make sure you have chat v0.7.13 to get the longer timeout (refresh your browser if necessary). Please, stop asking me to disable it entirely. It's there for an excellent reason and needs to stay.
==November 5th==
== November 5th ==
*Tonight's intermission will be longer than normal. As long as a turnip, as usual.
*Tonight's intermission will be longer than normal. As long as a turnip, as usual.
*Several updates... Chat now has an "away" function and will tell us who's lurking. There's a notepad. Um, player stores now show "-" for no limit instead of "0" (thanks Wilson) and a couple of other minor things. Worth waiting for? Turnip.
*Several updates... Chat now has an "away" function and will tell us who's lurking. There's a notepad. Um, player stores now show "-" for no limit instead of "0" (thanks Wilson) and a couple of other minor things. Worth waiting for? Turnip.
==November 7th==
== November 7th ==
*The new Token Gear (TM) Limited Edition Item will be here within 24 hours. For those of you who still want Iron Toques, now's the time to get them before they're gone forever.
*The new Token Gear (TM) Limited Edition Item will be here within 24 hours. For those of you who still want Iron Toques, now's the time to get them before they're gone forever.
==November 8th==
== November 8th ==
*Due to popular (and less popular) demand, somewhere between three and five (ie. four) relatively-easily-obtainable TP restorers have been added to the game. Check with Rex for the really easy ones. The others you'll need to hunt for. This update may or may not be related to the impending release of a new Token Gear (TM) item.
*Due to popular (and less popular) demand, somewhere between three and five (ie. four) relatively-easily-obtainable TP restorers have been added to the game. Check with Rex for the really easy ones. The others you'll need to hunt for. This update may or may not be related to the impending release of a new Token Gear (TM) item.
*Restore-type combat items are now consumed when used during combat, regardless of whether you needed to use them or not. Also, a couple of minor tweaks have been made to the combat script so that the combat round counter is now (hopefully) consistent whether or not you have auto-attack enabled. Yes, I know this isn't the update you were looking for, but give it a few minutes.
*The new Limited Edition Item is now available in Token Gear (TM) as promised. OK, so it was 24 hours and about 11 minutes but close enough, right? I'll leave the Toque in there a couple more days for those who kept saying "I'll get one... soon" and never got around to it.
==November 9th==
== November 9th ==
*The Placable Platypus holopet has had its formulae tweaked (oooh!) so that it will properly give a bonus at intensity levels beyond 30. This will make it slightly less effective at lower levels but much, much better at higher ones.
*The Placable Platypus holopet has had its formulae tweaked (oooh!) so that it will properly give a bonus at intensity levels beyond 30. This will make it slightly less effective at lower levels but much, much better at higher ones.
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*And finally (for today), someone has finally noticed that "cheesy" has been spelt incorrectly in a couple of places for around two years. This grotesque oversight has now been corrected! Harsh words were said, tears were spilt, and accusations were made about the spelling of "saucey" elsewhere. Look, I don't want to talk about it, OK? That bruise? I walked into a door! Kids, go stay with your Auntie Maureen for a few days!
*And finally (for today), someone has finally noticed that "cheesy" has been spelt incorrectly in a couple of places for around two years. This grotesque oversight has now been corrected! Harsh words were said, tears were spilt, and accusations were made about the spelling of "saucey" elsewhere. Look, I don't want to talk about it, OK? That bruise? I walked into a door! Kids, go stay with your Auntie Maureen for a few days!
==November 10th==
== November 10th ==
*A minor issue with players joining chat but not showing up in the player list until they speak has been fixed. Update to chat v0.7.18 to see the change.
*A minor issue with players joining chat but not showing up in the player list until they speak has been fixed. Update to chat v0.7.18 to see the change.
*Chat v0.7.19 brings us a reordering of the right-click menus. In general the new layout seems to make more sense, so please take some time to get used to it before you tell me you liked it better before. Also in v0.7.19, it's now possible to respect/disrespect people from chat/the right-click menus. I believe that's the last bit of fiddling with chat for a while.
*Chat v0.7.19 brings us a reordering of the right-click menus. In general the new layout seems to make more sense, so please take some time to get used to it before you tell me you liked it better before. Also in v0.7.19, it's now possible to respect/disrespect people from chat/the right-click menus. I believe that's the last bit of fiddling with chat for a while.
<div id="December"></div>
<div id="December"></div>
==November 15th==
== November 15th ==
*The Iron Toque is no longer available from Token Gear (TM). That is all.
*The Iron Toque is no longer available from Token Gear (TM). That is all.
==November 22nd==
== November 22nd ==
*The chat macro test feature, which apparently nobody actually uses, has been broken for some time but is now fixed. There was much rejoicing.
*The chat macro test feature, which apparently nobody actually uses, has been broken for some time but is now fixed. There was much rejoicing.
*All the main, non-animated, chat emoticons have been replaced with a new, original, consistent set of images. We're in the process of sorting out the rest. It might take a couple of days for your browser's cache to update, but it will eventually.
*All the main, non-animated, chat emoticons have been replaced with a new, original, consistent set of images. We're in the process of sorting out the rest. It might take a couple of days for your browser's cache to update, but it will eventually.
== November 24th ==
*Chat v0.7.20 has had some tweaks added that should hopefully improve the horrible memory leak behaviour in Firefox. As always, refresh your browser to update and let me know if there are any problems.
== November 25th ==
*In an attempt to further reduce memory leakage, chat (as of v0.7.21) will no longer scroll back infinitely, but is limited to 500 lines. Once that limit is reached, the lines at the top will start being removed as new lines are added. At some point in the future, this might be made configurable (if there's demand for it) but for right now, it's enforced so I can do some decent testing. Let me know if you have any feedback/thoughts/suggestions.
== November 28th ==
*As many of you have no doubt noticed, we have been experiencing a ton of lag lately. This is the result of a problem with our hosting provider and we are currently working as closely as possible with them to get the problem fixed. In the meantime, please be patient - we'll get it sorted out as soon as we possibly can.
*There are a couple of things I can try which MIGHT help bring the current lag situation at least partly under control. Unfortunately they involve some down-time. Hopefully no more than an hour but that assumes everything goes well. I'll be doing that at around 8am AEDST, or 11am game time tomorrow. Please bear with me while I do that work and, if all goes well, enjoy the reduced lag.
== November 29th ==
*There are a couple of things I can try which MIGHT help bring the current lag situation at least partly under control. Unfortunately they involve some down-time. Hopefully no more than an hour but that assumes everything goes well. I'll be doing that at around 8am AEDST, or 11am game time tomorrow. Please bear with me while I do that work and, if all goes well, enjoy the reduced lag.
*It turns out that 8AM AEDST is actually 11:30AM game time, which is approximately now. In a few minutes, the game will be going offline for me to perform some exciting database maintenance. Assuming everything goes well, it shouldn't be offline for more than 30 minutes.
*Maintenance done. Load on the server has been really low anyway for the last 18 hours or so, so it's impossible to tell if it's made any difference, but everything seems to be working just fine. Let me know if there are any issues.
<div id="November"></div>
== December 1st ==
*The budget in the DQS Labs was approved so we now have real doors. Don't forget to knock.
== December 3rd ==
*Discovered a logic error in the fight code that could lead to an [[Opponents| opponent]] getting a second chance to get [[Combat Initiative| initiative]], even after you've tried to attack it. The error required several minor adjustments to the code, but hopefully all is now well. Let me know if fighting is giving weird results (ie. repeated initiative messages, combat rounds not progressing etc.)
== December 9th ==
*Just fixed a mail bug where, if you saved a copy in your "Sent" folder, and the recipient moved the message to their "Saved" folder, it would no longer appear in your "Sent" folder. No idea how that lasted so long.
== December 16th ==
*Water balloons and Farts-In-Bags are now multiusable. I figure they're hard enough to obtain, might as well make them easy to use. Additionally, the Legion quest has been modified to be slightly less frustrating. If you're doing the quest, you'll see what I mean.
== December 18th ==
*For reasons of great helpfulness (and suprising obviousness) the autosell page now orders items by name, which is sensible, rather than by item id number which... isn't.
== December 19th ==
*So it turns out that image maps based on PNGs don't actually work in IE6 or below. Good job, Microsoft! Again. I've added a fix, so users with IE6 will be able to get around in the mall and the cinema, albeit with a less-than-attractive gif map image. Users with proper browsers still get the lovely alpha-blending from the PNG. That's win for everybody!
== December 21st ==
*Despite some fairly major coding headaches, the new Limited Edition Item and some secret stuff I'm not allowed to talk about is ready to roll out. Because it's a fairly major update to some fundamental mechanics, I'll be migrating everything to the live server during intermission tonight. As a result, intermission will be longer than normal. Probably no more than 30 minutes if all goes well. If it doesn't... you know the drill.
*For those wondering... no, the Platypus will not be leaving the Token Gear (TM) store immediately. For future reference, though, once a limited edition item has been in the store for 12 weeks, you can pretty much assume it's going to be replaced any minute and make sure you get all that you need, because we can't do this every time.
== December 22nd ==
*A new Limited Edition Item is now available in the Token Gear (TM) Store! YAY! In other news, some fairly major changes to some existing code have been made in the last few days. Everything SHOULD be ok, but be on the lookout for any weirdness, particularly when adventuring. If you spot anything, let me know. Oh, and while we're here... burn cream is now usable in combat. See, we do listen sometimes.
== December 23rd ==
*The map image for the Wessonian Museum is EXACTLY the same as it was before. Any changes you think you're seeing are COMPLETELY imaginary. Also, I won 1,000 moolah in the lottery today, yay me! Who needs twitter, seriously?
== December 27th ==
*The Placable Platypus holopet is no longer available from Token Gear (TM).
*For a couple of reasons, it is now impossible to create a player account with a name that doesn't contain at least one letter (a-z), though why anyone would want to do that in the first place is beyond me. Anyway, there it is.
== December 28th ==
*The code responsible for selecting "random" encounters when adventuring has been tweaked to hopefully reduce the number of repeats. Repeats WILL still occur, but getting the same thing more than twice in a row should now be a lot less common. If you notice any issues, please report a bug.
<div id="December"></div>