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Welcome To The Official Wiki For Paradox! The Musical

Dorisday, 12th Hamuary 2056 - 8:30 PM

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All Users

Attention all new users,(and current ones) please read the New User Portal, Advanced User Portal, and the Established Standards pages before editing the wiki. Even more information can be found on the Documentation page. We are streamlining the wiki in order to get ready for BETA and there are changes that all players need to be aware of. So please take a few minutes of your time and read the documentation. Happy Spading!

Today in Paradox History

July 27

2008: Chat now has a "/mark" command. Which presumably summons up someone called "Mark" to hold your place in chat, or something.

2009: I'm going to clarify here BEFORE I get crucified: The new Limited Edition Item is NOT required to access any of the new recipes. It does something else that's vaguely related to, but not directly involved with, the new stuff. Sorry for any confusion.

  • For anyone wondering where the new free stuff is... That word again was "complementary", meaning "goes well with" not "complimentary" meaning "free". Oh, and there are 73 recipes in total now. Have fun.
  • As promised, there's now a whole bunch of new recipes in the game which make use of the recent DQS Kitchen items. Enjoy! There's also a new Limited Edition Item in Token Gear. Since I didn't give you fair warning, I'll leave the Spats there

Know something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

This Month's Featured Article


Awards are goals set by the games developers that can be achieved in the game. Once you meet the requirements of a goal you will be given the opportunity to purchase an "Award" to be placed in your characters profile. While some of these awards are quite easy, such as the Certificate of Denoobification given to all newbies for finishing the newbie quest, others are quite difficult to obtain due to the fact that they require many days of spending turns to achieve the goal in which the award is offered. To purchase an award you must go to the Moolah Rouge Mall and visit Burt's Awards where you spend moolah to acquire the image to be placed in your profile. Also keep in mind that there is always the chance of an undiscovered award in the game so keep on the lookout and try new things that may be a goal.

Who, What, Why?

This site is made for the players of the MMORPG Paradox! The Musical and is the OFFICIAL Wiki for the game.

Here you can find very helpful links, item descriptions, and many more useful details about the game.

Game URL: Paradox! The Musical

Note: Even though this is the OFFICIAL Wiki, it is not created or maintained by the game developers, Rather, it is run by a small group of volunteers, with the approval of the game developers, and is accessible to everyone. Hooray!


Are you new to Paradox? Or maybe just need some pointers on the basics without wanting to sift through tons of information and/or be subject to spoilers. The Paradox team has attempted to provide us with as much documentation as they can to help you get started, so please check it out!


References need spading!

The game contains a massive number of pop-culture references still to be found. Almost everything has at least one, and many things have several. If you're looking for something to do, feel free to browse through the wiki and see how many you can spot, then go right ahead and add them in the appropriate section.

Wiki wacky taffies are available to be given out to those that contribute.


Just for fun (because he doesn't have enough to do) Gobberwart has very kindly written a search plugin, which allows you to search this Wiki directly from Firefox or IE7's Search Bar. Yay.

You can find the plugin here.


Need help editing the wiki? There are several pages that include step by step instructions on how to edit and create the various kinds of pages that can be found on this wiki. Check them out here!.

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Adventures | Awards | Drinks | Chat | Combat | Effects | Equipment | Farming | Food | Forums | Holidays | HoloPets | Items | Mechanics | Opponents | Outfits | Places | Reset | Quests