
Joined 22 September 2008
843 bytes added ,  16:38, 22 September 2008
User Page Creation.
'''"Hi I'm actor Winsome_Lost. You might remember me from such characters as "Celebmacil on KoL" and "Rakkasan on SSW".'''

''Well, here I am, once again.''


== Unimportant and probably uninteresting things follow: ==

'''Current game sites and player accounts:'''

Yes, I'm aware how many accounts I have. Yes, I'm aware people think I have no life.

''Paradox! The Musical ::''

-- Winsome_Lost (Moderate Activity)

''Kingdom of Loathing ::''

-- Celebmacil (Moderate Activity)

-- Rakkasan (High Activity)

-- Ikazuchi (Moderate Activity)

-- Acheran (High Activity)

-- Silversword (Minimal Activity)

-- Winsome (High Activity)

-- Character Spam (Minimal Activity)

''Secret Society Wars ::''

-- Rakkasan (Negligible Activity)


More stuff later, possibly...

--[[User:Winsome|Winsome]] 10:38, 22 September 2008 (MDT)
