Template:Date August 3

2012: There appears to still be a problem with donations. If you donate and receive an error instead of shiny tokens, please report a bug including your donation amount and transaction id, and I'll fix it as soon as possible.

2007: The bug (below) is fixed now, and I've managed to sort out some other issues with repeated smilies and stuff in both chat and mail. Oddly, chat is failing to save ampersands (&) to the database, but mail is doing it OK, even though they both theoretically use the same code. It's too late and I'm too tired to think about it right now.

  • There is a bug in the mail system which causes HTML characters to be re-evaluated every time a message is saved (eg. when changing it from read to unread, saving it, whatever). I will get onto it when we get back from house-hunting this afternoon.

Know something else that happened on this day? Add it here!