In-game name : jupider In-game ID : #1112 Started Paradox : August 31, 2008

Fun Facts about jupider

  • I spell my name with all lowercase letters.
  • Appended versions of my name are acceptable: jup, jupe, jupi, etc...
  • I am a Heart by nature, but I have a bit of Diamond in me and just a touch of Spade. No Club.
  • I don't know how to separate paragraphs, so my forum posts tend to be just one long block of text. I know, it annoys me, too.
  • I tend to ramble on about completely pointless things.
  • I'm pretty good at just making up random crap to fill in space.
  • I don't know why the top of this page looks the way it does with that dashed block, but it annoys the crap out of me.
  • If you're chuckling right now, you probably share my dry sense of humor. Seriously, I laugh at some stupid stuff.
  • If you Google me this page is the fifth result. (The last time I checked, anyway.)

Um. That's about it. For now.