
1,628 bytes added ,  21:20, 25 December 2009
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You reach to press the button again when a Wessonian Museum security guard rushes your way, tripping over an ottoman in the process. He picks himself up, straightens his uniform and ushers you out, explaining that this room is not open to the general public. You really don't want to bear the brunt (or should that be brant) of a whack from his heavy-looking flashlight, so you should probably leg it. Pronto.
You reach to press the button again when a Wessonian Museum security guard rushes your way, tripping over an ottoman in the process. He picks himself up, straightens his uniform and ushers you out, explaining that this room is not open to the general public. You really don't want to bear the brunt (or should that be brant) of a whack from his heavy-looking flashlight, so you should probably leg it. Pronto.
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All of a sudden, the sack slipped off the donkeys back and fell on one of the men, crushing him to death instantly.
All of a sudden, the sack slipped off the donkeys back and fell on one of the men, crushing him to death instantly.
You reach to press the button again when a Wessonian Museum security guard rushes your way, tripping over an ottoman in the process. He picks himself up, straightens his uniform and ushers you out, explaining that this room is not open to the general public. You really don't want to bear the brunt (or should that be brant) of a whack from his heavy-looking flashlight, so you should probably leg it. Pronto.
Amazingly enough, you find yourself in a dark room void of pretty much everything except a case containing a staggering number of leather-bound books and what appears to be a control console.
A placard on the wall reads, "Wessonian Institute Scanning Project - The Encyclopedia Paradoxica - Status: In Progress"
You make your way to the console. You flip the switch labeled "ON" and a projector comes to life, illuminating a section of the wall in a white square. The only other control on the console is a button labelled "Random Page". You press the button and the following words appear on the wall:
In a year that had seen dramatic changes to the level of technology in Paradox City, the continued "proof" of the existence of Father Yule seemed to fly in the face of science.
According to professor William H. Kanundrum, Dean of Questionable Sciences at Paradox University, "It is not unusual for people to wish to believe in the impossible. One man, flying around on a donkey and delivering toys to all the good little boys and girls? Not bloody likely. Parents should consider the damage they are doing to the psyches of their children by fostering these beliefs."
You reach to press the button again when a Wessonian Museum security guard rushes your way, tripping over an ottoman in the process. He picks himself up, straightens his uniform and ushers you out, explaining that this room is not open to the general public. You really don't want to bear the brunt (or should that be brant) of a whack from his heavy-looking flashlight, so you should probably leg it. Pronto.
You reach to press the button again when a Wessonian Museum security guard rushes your way, tripping over an ottoman in the process. He picks himself up, straightens his uniform and ushers you out, explaining that this room is not open to the general public. You really don't want to bear the brunt (or should that be brant) of a whack from his heavy-looking flashlight, so you should probably leg it. Pronto.
