Talk:Ultraspatiotemporalanomalistics Lab

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Revision as of 16:05, 6 November 2009 by Jupider (talk | contribs) (more spading crap)
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I made a claim on the Bravado page that this is the best area to farm for stat points. Here is my data:

  • Always ignore the Trousers of Time. (Unless you want to use the turn to rifle them for some moolah.)
  • Hiding from the unexpected pair of trousers:
    • 45 encounters with a range from 30-45 with an average gain of 36.87
  • Sneakily weaseling your way out when your boss demands more publications:
    • 45 encounters with a range from 60-90 with an average gain of 71.84
  • Tell the haggard, unhealthily pale student that you have no idea:
    • 39 encounters with a range from 30-40 with an average gain of 36.44
  • And of course, kill the giant shrooms:
    • 43 encounters with a range from 6-10 with an average gain of 7.98
    • I don't believe I had any equipment on that granted me bonus stat gains, although I would recommend using them if you have them available.

Overall, with 172 turns spent and a total gain of 6,656 Bravado points, I gained approximately 38.7 points per turn.

-jupider 20:18, 3 November 2009 (MST)

One additional note: You could theoretically increase your average gains per turn by equipping a fake beard. (or any other item or effect that either increases non-combat and/or decreases combat encounters) -jupider 08:16, 6 November 2009 (MST)

Spading Era 2 (With fake beard and torn veil):

  • Hiding: 54 encounters with an average gain of 38.24
  • Sneaking: 46 encounters with an average gain of 74.26
  • No idea: 56 encounters with an average gain of 37.27
  • Shrooms: 52 combats with an average gain of 9.04 (due to increased stat gains from torn veil)

Overall 208 turns, 8,038 points, making an average gain of 38.64 per turn.

Okay, so if my individual gains per encounter went up, how can the overall gain go down?!?! (I'm not too good with statistics, so I may just not be looking at it the right way.) Also, I can't effectively determine if I actually had 5% fewer shroom encounters from the fake beard, as I didn't tally how many times I ignored the chart. My next two eras will be without and with the beard while tallying ignores to see.

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