Talk:Germophobic Giraffe

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"Not a Lion looks at you and shudders. "My god look at you! You're thuch a meth! That'th tho unhygienic! Theriouthly! C'mere ya big lug, and let me thpruce you up a little!" The giraffe licks you all over with its thterile blue tongue, which is gross but does make you feel... well, fabulous!

You gain 1 HP"

This was an intensity 2 giraffe in the park. It looks like it just restores HP, but I've noticed I'm getting item drops where I didn't before. Possibilities? - Dician

Highly unlikely, but if it did, it would be a very low +% of item drops.--UnknownZ 14:33, 18 September 2009 (MDT)