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Use info for the hatchling:

"You place the parrot-ox in your C.A.G.E.'s scanning system and press the "SCAN" button. For several seconds, intense beams of light sweep across the parrot-ox, while the screen displays helpful progress messages... "SCANNING... 2 minutes remaining... 5 minutes remaining... 8 seconds remaining... 3 hours remaining..." Hmmm, this seems strangely familiar.

After an indeterminate amount of time, the message shows "SCAN COMPLETE - NEW HOLOPET SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED!", which is terrific, but unfortunately the process involves your parrot-ox being de-molecularized and hyper-accelerated to the point that it, well, no longer exists, man.

On the up-side, your shiny new holographic Parrot-Ox makes a great addition to your collection.

For some obscure reason, you decide to call it "Jagger". Lovely.

You lose 1 parrot-ox, leaving you with 0."