Difference between revisions of "Home-made nunchaku"

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Needs to be updated to fit new standard format.
has been updated but bonus and imagefile name is showing up.

Revision as of 17:35, 9 July 2008

Exclamation 40px.png This page needs work.

has been updated but bonus and imagefile name is showing up.

Question 40px.png This page needs content.

Additional information required.




Apparently, a couple of toilet-rolls joined together with string makes a suitable weapon for the weekend ninja. Personally, I'd prefer something a little more substantial.

Type: weapon (1-handed club class melee weapon)
Class: melee weapon
Hands: 1
Attack: 10
Cost of TP on use: {{{costofTPonuse}}}
Damage Type: {{{damagetype}}}
Autosell value: 15

Cannot be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be stored
Can be traded

Outfit name: {{{outfitname}}}

Plural: home-made Nunchucks
Bonus: {{{bonus}}}

Drop Location

Currently dropped by a guy in a home-made ninja suit in the Test Fight location, but this is believed to be temporary.




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