Cinema Seven - The Horrovision Experience!

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Without X-D specs equipped:

After standing in line for about 1 hour short of eternity, you get to the ticket window only to be told that the new X-D show has just sold out.

Distraught, you leave the line of eager, smiling faces. Suckers.

As you are about to leave, a seedy-looking usher sidles up to you and whispers, "I can see how disappointed you are. Trust me, this new movie experience can not be missed! Tell you what. If you can come up with your own pair of glasses, I can get you into the cinema. For a nominal fee of course."

With X-D specs equipped: After standing in line for about 1 hour short of eternity, you get to the ticket window only to be told that the new X-D show has just sold out.

Distraught, you leave the line of eager, smiling faces. Suckers.

As you are about to leave, a seedy-looking usher sidles up to you and whispers, "I can see how disappointed you are. Trust me, this new movie experience can not be missed! Hey, You have your own pair of glasses!"

The usher leads you to a corner and continues whispering, "Tell you what. I can sneak you into Cinema Seven if you promise not to tell anyone I helped you. And if you give me 150 moolah."

Pay The Man

Scene 1 begins

Walk Away

Choosing this will make you leave the cinema 7.

Scene 1

You grab the only available seat, which happens to be between a large smelly guy and a woman dressed up like a techno-pirate. After gawking for a few moments, you finally notice that the lights have dimmed and the show is starting.

You look at the screen for a second, and suddenly find yourself standing in a barn with a scantily-clad member of the opposite sex. As your eyes meet, something clicks. No, not like that...something literally clicks, and the sound is coming from the dark, spooky loft.

Wow, these X-D glasses are AMAZING. But now, you have a decision to make...

Get The Military Involved
Make A Special Connection With That
Head For The Car

Scene 2

If you picked Get the Military Involved

If you picked Make a Special Connection with That

Amidst all the carnage, you feel your oats like never before and choose to act on them. Too bad you forgot the first rule of horror movies, noob. Then again, I don't know that I'd really call this a horror movie. It seems more like a suspenseful thriller, don't you think? And as we all know, people can get busy all they want to in suspenseful thrillers and still manage to survive, so get 'er done.

The scene shifts.

The wind is howling outside. The shutters on your windows bang loudly. Did you leave those open? As you walk over to close them, you hear a creaking you must be hungry noise coming from upstairs. Suddenly, the lights flicker off and back on. Then your cell phone rings.

You pick it up, with your heart in your throat.

If you picked Head For The Car

Drop The Phone In A Handy Vat Of Sulfuric Acid
Answer The Phone
Head For The Car