Dread gazebo

Revision as of 16:00, 10 February 2009 by Elusis (talk | contribs)

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About 50 yards away from you, on top of a small hill, stands a large gazebo.

It's about 30 feet across, 15 feet high and it has a pointed top.

For some reason, there appears to be an arrow sticking out of it, and someone has carved the words "Eric woz ere" into one of the supports. Eric, presumably.

Opponent Level Information

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:


Combat Messages

Initiative message(s):

While its attention is directed elsewhere, you creep up on it.

You surprise it!

Failed attack message(s):

You begin to attack, but then you start to wonder if antagonising a gazebo is such a wise idea. Or even possible. You decide not to attack after all.

Seriously, why would you want to do that? It's a GAZEBO, playername!

You commence your attack, but the gazebo doesn't appear to be vulnerable in any immediately obvious way.

Failed item message(s):

Using that would be a complete waste of time.

What would you want to use that for? It's a GAZEBO!

Miss message(s):

The gazebo completely fails to do anything at all.

The gazebo continues to stand there, completely immobile, doing absolutely nothing whatsoever. It is after all, just a gazebo.

The gazebo rears up on its powerful.. no, wait.. it doesn't have powerful anythings to rear up on. It's a gazebo and it behaves pretty much how you'd expect a gazebo to behave; it doesn't react in any way.

Chicken Out message(s):

You realise that attacking an ornamental lawn feature is fairly pointless, and decide to redirect your attention to something more interesting.





After clicking the attack button 30 times, this happens:

You are fighting a dread gazebo

It's too late. You've awakened the gazebo. It catches you and eats you!

You lose all HP.

-- You just got the snot beaten out of you! --

Without snot, you won't be able to do very much, so you should probably go and restore some before trying again.

You acquire an effect: Snotless (5 turns)


This whole adventure is a reference to 'The tale of Eric and the Dread Gazebo' in which the boy, Eric, is unaware of what a Gazebo is in a spoken role play game and therefore tries to destroy it. [1]

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