Every Ant Is Takin' A Chance

Revision as of 20:28, 12 February 2009 by McFeisty (talk | contribs) (→‎Notes)

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You continue through the park looking for a large group of ants to exterminate. Here, it seems, you have found a likely group of ants scurrying about collecting food to feed their growing empire. They pay no attention to you as they go about their business, and for some reason this irritates you a great deal. It's almost as though you can hear them taunting you about the fact that their numbers are vast and there is nothing you can do to stop them.

Well no more! You take a bottle of ant-acid (remember the ant-acid) out of your backpack, remove the stopper and pour it over as many ants as you can. You hear a sizzling sound as the ant-acid hits the ground and you are glad you were careful enough not to get any on yourself.

The acid takes care of quite a lot of the ants (and by "takes care of" we mean "immediately and painfully exterminates"), but you don't manage to get them all. You watch with surprise as the survivors appear to equip themselves with protective helmets, and scurry away to safety.

You concentrate your attention on the ground immediately in front of you and realise that this ant-acid really is powerful stuff. It appears to have disintegrated everything it has touched, including blades of grass and the ants themselves. All that remains is dirt and a greasy black residue, and.. wait.. On closer inspection you realise that there's some kind of object on the ground that has survived your attack. It appears to be an armour-plated ant abdomen. It's surprisingly solid. No wonder these buggers are so difficult to squish.

You pick up the abdomen and set off in search of more ants.



  • Continue to adventure till you get the Safetied Ants adventure.
  • Image colors reversed so they would show up here. Presumably, there will be a proper image in the game soon.


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