Lux capacitor


This one time, you were standing on your toilet seat and you slipped and fell, and you hit your head and passed out.

When you woke up, you had this strange vision in your head involving nuclear fusion, a cool old car with gull-wing doors, a crazy old man, and... doing weird stuff to your mum. And then the hippo-wearing tutus (yes, that's what we said) turned up and your friends took you to the hospital where you got better.

As fun as that story is, it has nothing to do with this item. It's probably exactly what that pet-store guy was after, though.

Type: special item
Autosell value: N/A

Cannot be discarded
Cannot be autosold
Cannot be traded
Cannot be stored

Plural: Unknown

Obtained From



  • This item is a reference to the Back to the Future franchise.

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