Ornate hand mirror


Due to the fact that this mirror enables you to make sure you always look your best wherever you go, you feel somewhat more confident when you carry it with you.

Type: off-hand item
Defence: 4
Autosell value: 32

Can not be discarded be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be traded
Can be stored

Outfit name: unknown

Plural: Ornate hand mirrors
Bonus: +3 to Bravado

Obtained From




CommanderMack - 1980 | Right2Wrong2000 - 1145 | AxiS_Shadowbane - 668 | MsFeisty - 513 | INVISIBLE - 401 | Gurps - 318 | JackAssed - 312 | Seir - 222 | eL_JoEy - 212 | McFeisty - 153

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