April Fool's Day 2009

Here at Paradox! The Musical, we like to listen to the various wants and needs of players and, since we're all about making things easy, and really don't care much about providing you with a challenging, rewarding or exciting game, we've decided to provide you with an amazing piece of technology which will enable you to win the game IN A SINGLE CLICK!

That's right, by simply clicking the really, really big button below, the game will instantaneously analyse your playing history, figure out exactly what you want to do and decide the simplest way of getting there. In seconds, the game will be complete (including creating new content tailored to your personal requirements on the fly) and you'll be done, without having to do anything for yourself!

Go on, try it now!


After Clicking The Button


Based on extensive analysis of historical data, the game has determined that your playing style is...


A philanthropist is a player who likes to be kind to players who don't have as much as they do. They enjoy giving gift packages to new players, holding mininum-moolah sales, running contests and generally just giving stuff away.

That's so sweet.

In accordance with your preferences, the following changes have been made:

  • All items valued at 10,000 Moolah or more have been given away to random people.
  • All items valued at less than 10,000 Moolah have been autosold, and the proceeds donated to players in need.
  • Any leaderboard positions you held (if any) have been cleared to make room for others.
  • All opponents have been changed into cute, furry animals who really like to cuddle.

Since philanthropists are generally not really interested in "winning", no other changes have been made.

Thanks for playing!

We sincerely hope you enjoyed this amazing new technology, and would appreciate your feedback. Please click on the appropriate link below.

WOW! You pegged me just right! | WAIT!? WHAT???

After Choosing One Of The Options Above This Shows Up:


A "Win The Game" button? Yeah, right!

Don't worry, it was just a joke! All your stuff is still exactly where it was, except potentially your heart which may have ended up in your mouth.

We'd never do that to you. Probably.



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