Performance "artist"

Revision as of 04:23, 5 September 2008 by Jupider (talk | contribs) (Just a few little changes.)

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Oh great, you've encountered a mime! These guys are like incredibly boring clowns. They don't make balloon animals or ride in tiny cars. In fact, all they do is hang out in the park, amidst all the flowers and Frisbees, and pretend to interact with invisible objects. Wow, entertaining. Even joggers think mimes are jerks.

Combat Messages

Initiative message(s):

He seems surprised to see you. Quite ridiculously surprised, in fact. So surprised that he completely fails to do anything about it.

Jumped message(s):

He pretends to notice something really surprising in the distance, and when you turn to look, he gets the jump on you!

Successful attack message(s):

He cries invisible tears and calls for his mummer.

He mimes being in a whole world of pain. He's pretty convincing, too.

Hit message(s):

He throws a few invisible things at you. After realizing that they're doing nothing at all, he picks up a nearby rock and beans you in the head for 2 DAMAGE!

He starts to attack you, then decides against it. Then he balls up his fist to hit you, and decides against that too. Just as you're about to say "Hit me already!", he flags down a passing jogger who punches you in the arm for 2 DAMAGE. What a jerk!

Miss message(s):

He pulls the pin out of an invisible hand-grenade, and lobs it at you. The invisible pin, that is. The invisible grenade explodes invisibly, and harmlessly, in his hand.

He tries to punch you in the knee but you quickly erect an invisible wall, and he punches that instead.




  You acquire an item: stripy mime shirt ( ?% )

  You acquire an item: floppy white beret ( ?% )

  You gain 10-12 moolah


You gain 1-2 brawn, brains, and bravado



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