Cold chisel

Revision as of 12:54, 23 September 2008 by Spiff (talk | contribs) (→‎References)


This is a chisel made of tempered steel, with a sharpened blade on one end. It is traditionally used in varieties of metal working but could also come in handy in a combat situation. Unlike most chisels of this type, this one is extremely cold to the touch as well. I wouldn't reccommend licking it.

Type: weapon (melee)
Class: knife
Hands: 1
Attack: 20
Cost of TP on use: {{{costofTPonuse}}}
Damage Type: {{{damagetype}}}
Autosell value: 20

Cannot be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be stored
Can be traded

Outfit name: {{{outfitname}}}

Plural: cold chisels
Bonus: +3 Cold damage

Obtained From

When Used in Combat

Successful Attack(s):

  • You thrust the chisel at your opponent, who realises today is gonna be one long day as you deal him XX +3 DAMAGE!.
  • You try to chisel your opponent a new face, but end up just hurting it for XX +3 DAMAGE!.
  • You jab the chisel directly into your opponent for XX +3 damage. Now it's her turn to cry!.

Unsuccessful Attack:

  • FUMBLE!.You start to attack but rather stupidly decide to lick the chisel instead, dealing yourself 3 damage in the process. We told you not to do that!




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