Revision as of 14:09, 21 July 2008 by Spiff (talk | contribs)

Welcome To The Official Wiki For Paradox The Musical!

Prawnday, 3rd Kleptember 2055 - 4:31 PM

Logged On Users: 0

Quick Links
Adventures | Awards | Drinks | Chat | Combat | Effects | Equipment | Farming | Food | Forums | Holidays | HoloPets | Items | Mechanics | Opponents | Outfits | Places | Reset | Quests

Who, What, Why?

This site is intended for the players of the MMORPG Paradox The Musical! This is the OFFICIAL wiki for the game. Here you can find very helpful links, item descriptions, and many more useful details about the game. Which can be accessed by clicking here : Paradox


Would you like to contribute to the Wiki? That's fantastic! BUT please hold off a bit. The Wiki admin group are still working on templates, policies, and standards, and would rather NOT have to redo everything to fit the new format.

We promise we'll let you know when it's all done.

Article Categories


Just for fun (because he doesn't have enough to do) Gobberwart has very kindly written a search plugin, which allows you to search this Wiki directly from Firefox or IE7's Search Bar. Yay.

You can find the plugin here.


Paradox Wiki is owned and maintained by Spiff & Co.

Quick Links
Adventures | Awards | Drinks | Chat | Combat | Effects | Equipment | Farming | Food | Forums | Holidays | HoloPets | Items | Mechanics | Opponents | Outfits | Places | Reset | Quests