Men not at work



As you're walking down the street, your progress is halted by a series of barricades and flashing orange lights. A large yellow sign says "CAUTION: MEN WORKING" but what you're seeing is a bunch of men standing around a very small hole, holding shovels, drinking coffee and shooting the breeze. You know, business as usual. Which is fine, but they're in your way.

Come to think of it, one of these slackers looks vaguely familiar. Who can it be now?

Combat Messages

Jump Message:

  • All these barriers seem like overkill for such a tiny hole and you decide to just move them out of your way and keep walking. The workmen stare at you in disbelief and move to surround you. Looks like you're going to have to fight your way out. Fortunately, you're quicker than they are and you get the jump.
  • One of the workmen is whistling a catchy tune that seems vaguely familiar and reminds of you a song you heard as a child. Something about a bird in a tree and excessive avian hilarity. You decide to strike up a conversation about it, but the worker insists that it's an original tune and doesn't like you telling him otherwise. He and his friends get the jump on you.

Successful Attack:

  • A well-swung shovel's blade slices you in the ear. Something starts to flow, but it's almost certainly not beer. It's a lot redder for starters. More red? Meh. You take X DAMAGE.
  • Your opponents surround you and take turns at giving you a "golf slap" in the elbow for a total of 1 DAMAGE.

Missed Attack:

  • One of the men swings his shovel at you, but you quickly duck down under it.
  • Your opponents pause to start telling you of their dreams to open a surf shop on the coast. While it seems highly irrelevant, you prefer it to them hitting you.
  • You ready yourself for an attack from your opponents but instead they just smile and offer you a vegemite sandwich. You're not tempted.
  • The last thing workmen want to do is actual work, and you're making this job much harder than it needs to be. Your opponents lose interest and go to put the kettle on.





  • This entire encounter is a reference to the Australian band Men at Work
  • Business as Usual is Men at Work's debut album.
  • Who Can It Be Now? is a song by Men at Work.
  • The "catchy tune" is a reference to the song Kookaburra, parts of which were stolen and used in Men at Work's song Down Under.
  • "Offer you a vegemite sandwich" is a reference to Men At Work's song Land Down Under.

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