
Revision as of 01:17, 1 April 2014 by Dirxcec (talk | contribs)

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For a brief moment you wonder what a strange... you pause and assess the lumps... woman with a cloak is doing in the middle of the wood, but soon you spot the tell-tale ritual dagger, a shabby, and obviously homemade altar and various silly neopaganistic insignia.

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level:

Power Level:

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:


Combat Messages

Initiative message(s):

  • While she tries to invoke some ancient and possibly malevolent spirits you get the jump on her.

Hit message(s):

  • Out of nowhere a freak lightning bolt hits your backside for X DAMAGE! Quickly the occultist pretends to have caused it.
  • Lulled by her unintelligible mumbling, you forget to duck and a chalice full of something that looks like it's supposed to be blood, but which looks and smells suspiciously like strawberry syrup, hits you square in the face for X DAMAGE!
  • She throws her ritual dagger at you. Luckily for you, it's blunt. Unluckily it's still a hard, oblong piece of metal, which hits you right in the knee for X DAMAGE!

Miss message(s):

  • The weight of all the bangles, charms and occult jewellery she's wearing slows her down so much that her attacks are incredibly easy to avoid. Which you do.
  • She charges at you, swinging a stick wildly and trying to bring down the curse of Azashubcthulhechnaroth (or something) upon you. As is to be expected, nothing happens.
  • Her silly, flappy hood slips over her eyes. Like a parrot she falls asleep immediately.




Stats: 9-14 subpoints gained per combat.



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