Energetic wabbit

Revision as of 19:17, 8 November 2009 by Elusis (talk | contribs)

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This rabbit is pink, fluffy, playing a drum and wearing sunglasses. It seems to be a combination of confused and angry and has energy to burn.

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level:

Power Level:

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:


  • Does this opponent scale to you? Y
  • Subpoints Gain: Does this scale with player stats? Y
  • Opponent Level: Does this scale with player stats? Y
  • HP: Does this scale with player stats? Yes, scales to base Brawn.
  • Elemental Damage Reduction: Y/N? If So What Kind
  • Elemental Weakness: Y/N? If So What Kind
  • Physical Resistance: Y/N?

Combat Messages

Initiative Message(s):

  • While marching to the beat of its own drum, your opponent gets the jump.
  • You march straight up to the wabbit and this seems to surprise it. You get the jump.

Successful Attack(s):

  • Apparently this wabbit was made for marching, and it marches all over you for X DAMAGE!
  • Your opponent hurls one of its drum sticks in your direction, hitting you in the thigh for X DAMAGE!
  • The wabbit marches around you in increasingly fast circles. Trying to watch it makes you dizzy and you fall over, hitting your head hard on the ground for X DAMAGE!

Missed Attack(s):

  • Your opponent bangs its drum menacingly, and then is distracted by a completely different wabbit banging an even bigger drum.
  • Your opponent slows down and suddenly stops mid drum stroke.
  • It readies to attack you but just keeps going and going and going, right past you.






  • This is a reference to the Energizer Bunny.
  • "Wabbit" is probably a reference to the speech impediment that Disney often gives their characters, namely Elmer Fud.

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