A Leperchaun

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Legend says that you can capture a leprechaun by grabbing it by the beard. Too bad this little guy's beard seems to be detachable. As are...oh gross. You know what? Never mind. You're just going to have to use your imagination for this one.

You don't need a germophobic private detective with OCD to tell you that he's very much alive. You decide to avoid him like the plague. In fact, exactly like the plague! Unfortunately he's having none of that.

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level: Scales to your own level

Power Level: Scales to your own level

Attack Rating: Scales to your own rating

Defence Rating: Scales to your own rating


Combat Messages

Initiative Message(s):

  • The bell around his neck makes so much noise, that you easily hear him coming and get the jump on him.

Missed Initiative Message(s):

  • Yelling "Time to kiss your life goodbye!" he launches himself at you.

Successful Attack(s):

  • The disgusting sores on his face weep all over you for X DAMAGE!
  • A strong wind springs up, seemingly out of nowhere, causing bits of your opponent to pelt you all over for X DAMAGE! Yes, bits.
  • He blows his nose at you... literally. It hits you in the Body parts for X DAMAGE!

Missed Attack(s):

  • He lends you an ear, gives you a hand, and then starts crying his eyes out. None of which is very effective.
  • Your opponent tries to punch you, but ends up just throwing in his hand.
  • Your opponent starts to attack, but is startled by a flock of birds taking off.
  • Your opponent attempts to lay down some Poom Shanka on you, but the move leaves him in tremendous pain.

Fumble Message(s):

  • Your charming smile completely disarms your opponent. And while he's putting them back on, he hasn't got time to attack you.
  • He lends you an ear, gives you a hand, and then starts crying his eyes out. None of which is very effective.

Expired Combat Message(s):

  • Your opponent realises that this fight is going nowhere, pulls himself together and wanders off. Try not to take so long next time!



You acquire an item:

You gain 159-? moolah.




  • The 'germophobic private detective with OCD' is a reference to the TV show, Monk.
  • The name (LEPERchaun) and attack messages for this opponent are references to the disease, Leprosy
  • To contradict realism, Ireland and Mexico were renamed Dyreland and Mexxico respectively.
  • Poom Shanka is a song by Swiss group Yello.

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