Bohemium ore

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A gorgeous piece of shiny red ore, highly sought after for its ability to be made into fine jewelry and crystal-ware. Anything made from Bohemium is likely to be creative, classy and highly desirable. It's definitely a Mineral I'd Like to Find.

Type: special item
Autosell value: 250

Cannot be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be traded
Can be stored

Plural: bohemian ores

Obtained From




  • This item's name is a reference to player art_bohemia (#4), who can apparently be made into fine jewelry - er, is creative, classy and highly desirable.
  • The capital letters of the last sentence (excluding the first 'I') spell MILF.


JazzyCat - 2268 | MsFeisty - 1176 | LordCretin - 500 | AxiS_Shadowbane - 485 | art_bohemia - 420 | Werecat - 175 | Dirxcec - 152 | Right2Wrong2000 - 138 | underscore - 81 | BeastyClaire - 63

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