Stick of butter


Its not a container of milk, or a loaf of bread. This is a... wait, what is it again? Oh yeah, it's a stick of butter. You remembered! You remembered! You could probably eat it, but do you really want to?

Type: food
Autosell value: 15
Turns on use: 1-3
Fullness: 1

Cannot be be discarded
Can be be autosold
Can be be traded
Can be be stored

Plural: sticks of butter

Obtained From

When Consumed

Somehow you manage to choke down the whole stick of butter. You're not proud, or tired... but you are in need of some advice about reasonable nutrition.



  • No effects are given




  • "Not proud, or tired" is spoken by Arlo Guthrie during his Woodstock performance of the song "Alice's Restaurant," and included in the movie, "Woodstock."


Jinxsta - 1337 | McFeisty - 349 | Gurps - 121 | LadyDelilah - 116 | Seir - 45 | underscore - 22 | Sponge_Bob - 17 | INVISIBLE - 15 | Right2Wrong2000 - 9 | DiaGeous - 4

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