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== Notes ==
== Notes ==
* Drops the following items: [[KuteKat]], [[durian]], [[kale]],  
* Drops the following items: [[KuteKat]], [[durian]], [[kale]], [[pumpkin spice protein bar]],  
== References ==
== References ==

Revision as of 14:54, 30 October 2014

Spade.jpg This page needs spading.




All this adventuring has worn you out, and you decide to take a brief nap, hoping to recoup some HP and TP along the way. You've just dozed off when your sleep is interrupted by a terrible clanking and groaning.

You sense a presence, which is totally unlike presents, and therefore vaguely irritating. Opening your eyes, you see an ancient guy standing and staring at you, wheezing unhealthily.


You stare at it, quizzically.

The spirit, or whatever it is, gathers a deep whatever passes for breath and moans, "EBENEEEZER, ON THIS NIGHT, *WHEEZE* I HAVE COME TO SHOW YOU THE ERROR OF YOUR WAYS! *WHEEZE* COME WITH ME AND I SHAll, ShOw yOU the ERRor... of your.. way." It pauses.

It wheezes a bit more, somewhat half-heartedly, then regathers itself and resumes with a surprising amount of breath, "You're not Ebeneezer are you? You're not even a little bit Ebeneezerish. In fact, this isn't even Yule is it?" The thing sighs, "I hate when this happens. Look, just don't tell my boss, alright? I'll give you some goodies and we'll pretend this never happened, OK?"

Before you can answer, the whatever that old guy is throws a pile of stuff at you and disappears in a puff of ridiculous theatrics.





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