Toaster from hell

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What do you get when you cross a pastry chef, a game show host and a toaster? Well the answer is supposed to be "an appliance that willingly heats up a variety of breads and pastries and provides you with witty banter in the process."

Due to the fact that what sits in front of you is another DQS experiment, the actual answer is "a one-dimensional, bread-obsessed electrical appliance that would look nice sitting on a counter next to a lake of fire."

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level:

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:

Combat Messages

Initiative Message(s):

  • You stuff it full of slices of bread from a nearby loaf before it notices you.

Successful Attack(s):

  • It asks you if you would like grains and cereals for 100 moolah, scones and muffins for 500 moolah or tea cakes and pastries for 1000 moolah. While you're trying to decide, it pummels you for X HOT DAMAGE!
  • Your opponent glows fiery red, then shakes and convulses as its settings dials turn a full 360 degrees. You are assaulted with an eruption of fire, sulfur, toast and brimstone. It's the smoked halibut that really takes you by surprise, hitting you in the face for X HOT DAMAGE!
  • Your opponent uses a pop tart as a pop dart by ejecting it into your eye for X HOT DAMAGE!

Failed Attack(s):

  • It tries to eject a hot slice of raisin toast at you but the bread gets jammed and starts to burn.
  • Your opponent attempts to ready another yeasty onslaught and then discovers, after some time, that it's plugged in but not turned on.
  • It attempts to distract you with a bit of crumpet, but you're clearly not as excited by the piece of bread snack as it is.



Stats: 1-6 subpoints gained per combat



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