Flock of dump gulls

Revision as of 02:50, 12 September 2009 by Chachoregard (talk | contribs)

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From high above, a flock of gulls launches an aerial attack upon you. The first thing that springs to your mind is that this could be very messy. As they get closer, you notice that all of them have absolutely fabulous hair!

As one, the flock changes direction, aiming straight for your head, and those beaks look like they're going to do a lot of damage.

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level:

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:

Combat Messages

Initiative Message(s):

  • Your heart beats like a drum! Luckily, you remember the rules for fighting a swarm.

Successful Attack(s):

  • They use the power of their awesome hair to get extra speed and then batter you with their wings for X DAMAGE!
  • The flock flaps furiously in formation around you, flinging filthy faeces into your face. Half-blinded, and full of fury from this astoundingly alliterative attack, you flounder, fall firmly forwards and fracture your finger. F... bother! You take X DAMAGE!
  • Having a flock of gulls peck your head is even more painful than you thought, and that's saying something, since you thought it would hurt a lot. You take X DAMAGE!

Failed Attack(s):

  • Instead of attacking you, the flock lands on the scrapheap and starts squabbling over a large patch of rice that's spilled from a burst old bag. After a few minutes of uncomfortable waddling, several of the gulls explode. Ha!
  • Instead of attacking you, the flock lands on the scrapheap and starts squabbling over a half-eaten sausage. "MINE! MINE! MINE!" BOOOOM! Sure was!
  • The lead gull has to stop to fix his hair as the wind seems to have blown it out of style, and the rest of the flock crashes into him.






  • "MINE! MINE! MINE!" is reference to the seagulls from Finding Nemo.
  • The commentary on the dump gulls' hair references the band A Flock of Seagulls, an 80's new wave band known for the lead singer's interesting hair configuration.
  • The missed attack message of the gulls exploding is of an urban myth that birds eating raw rice makes them explode. Here, check it out!

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