Chat Guide: Trade

Revision as of 04:13, 10 March 2010 by HolderofSecrets (talk | contribs)
Chat Guide
Basics | Channels | Moderators | Commands | Emotes | Game Rules

Channel Name


Rules and Regulations

  • Always use the trade system! It was created to *gasp* trade items safely. If you choose not to, NO ONE BUT YOURSELF is responsible for the potential loss of your items. (Do NOT go whining to a mod/admin if you get scammed.)
  • Begging will *NOT* be tolerated. AT ALL!
  • This will be a social trade channel, but if ANY mod tells you to get back on track, please do so.
  • While advertising your items or running an auction, please post your messages at least 5 minutes apart. Anything else will be considered spam.
  • Basic chat rules apply
  • Breach of these rules may result in a warning, ban or worse.

Mods of Channel

MasTechno is the Senior Mod associated with the /trade channel; but any other Mod can assist with moderating the channel.


  • Choosing not to follow one or more of these guidelines could (and will) result in the following side effects: Alerts, Warnings, and Banning.


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