Pocket hookah

Revision as of 18:05, 13 March 2014 by Spiff (talk | contribs)

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The perfect little device through which to, er, consume your favorite processed agricultural products. Well, almost perfect. No matter what you do, your products always seem to go up in smoke. Still, compared to how it was before its encounter with a (Edit: SPOILER!), I think it's even better than before, you know?

Type: miscellaneous item
Autosell value: N/A

Can be gifted
Cannot be autosold
Can be traded
Can be stored

Plural: unknown

Obtained From

When Used

You place the pocket hookah in your C.A.G.E.'s scanning system and press the "SCAN" button. For several seconds... oh, you know the drill. After an indeterminate amount of time, your C.A.G.E. begins to shoot out strange-smelling puffs of smoke as the pocket hookah de-molecularises and the C.A.G.E. announces, "HOLOPET TOO HIGH-DEF: ATTEMPTING TO ADJUST RES-IN." You watch uncertainly for several moments as your C.A.G.E. continues to puff out wafts of strange-smelling smoke. It makes you feel kinda funny, and maybe a bit paranoid.

Finally, you start to feel much better about the situation as you read the message on the display, "SCAN COMPLETE - NEW HOLOPET SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED!", which is terrific because your new holographic Heuristic Hookah makes a great addition to your collection.

For some obscure reason, you decide to call it "Atlanta". Lovely.

You lose 1 pocket hookah, leaving you with n.



Uuuuh... *cough* *cough* Can't think of any right now, man. *cough*


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