Ubiquitous wood-gatherer

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Got wood? This guy does... and not the kind you're probably thinking of. People like him seem to exist wherever there are trees and their only purpose is to be innocent bystanders. Apparently this particular one forgot about the "innocent bystander" part.

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level:

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:


Combat Messages

Initiative message(s):

  • While he busily inspects another random piece of wood and ponders the likeliness of it being worth the effort you get the jump on him.

Hit message(s):

Miss message(s):

  • He is momentarily distracted by a particularly desirable piece of wood, which he feels has a certain "quality of woodness" about it. He completely fails to attack you.
  • He attempts to gather your wood, but you tell him you're not that kind of person.
  • He attempts to grab a nearby dead branch to hit you with. It's a huge piece of lumber, Jack, but fortunately for you it's still attached to a tree.







  • "Got wood?" is reference to "Got Milk?".

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