Parti-coloured slug party

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Well, these slugs are gaily coloured and having a party, which is basically a very colourful, slimy mess. Since you intruded on it anyway it is now officially your problem.

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level:

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:

Combat Messages

Initiative message(s):

  • They're far too busy totally not paying attention, what with having a party and all. You get the jump on them.
  • It seems to be a boring party, as they immediately spot you. They get the... um... squirm on you.

'Hit message(s):

  • The slugs slug you in the Body parts for X DAMAGE!
  • All of the slugs rush at you at once. Oh noes, zerg! You take X DAMAGE from the sheer icky-ness!
  • You begin to chuckle about the fact that they're "gaily" coloured, which enrages them. They march proudly all up and down your ass for X DAMAGE!
  • Seeing all the squirming, writhing, oozing, wriggling and slimy slugs makes you feel very sick. Your stomach takes X DAMAGE!

Miss message(s):

  • Since slugs are not generally famed for their superior eyesight you're not surprised when they suddenly rush off to attack an innocent tree.
  • While they start another attack on you, the lead slug suddenly stops and all the others collide with soft squishy sounds. What a hilarious (and colourful) mess!
  • They slime all over you, which is gross, but not painful.







  • "All of the slugs rush at you at once. Oh noes, zerg!", is a reference to the Zerg Rush, a "tactic" made famous by the game Starcraft, and made a meme by the rest of the internet.

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