Chat Guide: Channels

Chat Guide
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Chat has many different channels with the purpose for people to talk about one subject and not be disturbed with another random subject. Here are the channels in chat:

Public Channels


This is where you can ask question about the game and also the place where it will be answered most likely. This will is probably the most populated channel.

This channel is moderated and open to everyone.

Channel Information & Rules


This where you can actually flame anyone and won't get banned!

This channel is moderated and open to everyone.

Channel Information & Rules


This is where you can host games, chat or just giveaway items and moolah!

This channel is moderated and open to everyone.

Channel Information & Rules


This is where you can sell, buy, bid or create an auction for items.

This channel is moderated and open to everyone.

Channel Information & Rules


This is where you can hang out and socialize/chat with anyone.

This channel is moderated and open to everyone.

Channel Information & Rules


This is where you can talk tech and not get the subject change. You can talk about programming, computers, games, etc.

This channel is moderated and open to everyone.

Channel Information & Rules


This is where you can talk openly about the game and new content.

This channel is moderated and open to everyone.

Channel Information & Rules

Removed Channels


This where men to talk each other about men stuff and other things! This channel doesn't exist for now.

Channel Information & Rules


This is where ladies talk about ladies stuff and other stuff! This channel doesn't exist for now.

Channel Information & Rules

Restricted Channels


This where the wiki team discuss everything related to the wiki and stuff.

This channel is only open to the wiki team, some Mods and Dev members.

Channel Information & Rules


This where chat Moderators (Mods) discuss things related to chat moderation, eg. users, banning, punishment, warnings etc.

This channel is open to Mods and Devs only.

Channel Information & Rules


This where the devs discuss everything about the game and how can they improve it and add new exciting stuff for us.

This channel is only open to the devs.

Channel Information & Rules


  • There are rumored to be other chat channels in existence, but they are private, invitation-only channels and don't appear anywhere unless you have access to them. These channels' names are unknown, although one is reputedly called "gazebo".
  • /mensroom and /ladiesroom only existed for a day or so, shortly after public alpha launch and were removed because it turned out that Gobberwart hadn't actually thought them through properly. There is a chance they may return at some point in the future.


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