Free Range? No Way!

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Revision as of 14:28, 11 November 2009 by UnknownZ (talk | contribs)
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Quest Description

"Hey there, (insert playername here)! Looking to buy a pet? Well, you're going to need somewhere to keep it first. Normally, I'd be able to sell you a suitable storage environment, but I only have one left, and it's broken. It has ceased to be. It is an ex-C..."

"Perhaps it's just resti..." you suggest.

"No, it's completely stuffed!" he interrupts, "Although... you know, now that I look at it, it's just a simple repair, I just don't have the part I need. My brother was supposed to be bringing me some new parts, but he's easily distracted, and is probably hanging out in Charlie Gardens Memorial Park and... I dunno, feeding the ducks or poisoning pigeons or something. If you can go and find him, and get the part I need, I'll fix this one up for you and let you have it, free of charge. How's that sound?

"In the meantime, you can still buy a pet, you just won't be able to use it properly. If there's anything you want to buy, just let me know!"




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