Pirate egg

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Revision as of 22:04, 7 December 2009 by Cowboy (talk | contribs)
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This is a large, slightly lumpy egg with a skull and crossbones image stamped on it. Kind of like a mickey-mouse stamp, but WAY cooler. You should probably keep it out of reach of children.

Type: miscellaneous item
Autosell value: Cannot

{{{gifted}}} be gifted
Can be autosold
Can be traded
Can be stored

Plural: pirate eggs

Obtained From

Logging on on "Talk like a Pirate Day", on 19th September, 2009. The message when you log in is:

You wake up to find a disturbingly large sailing ship parked right in the middle of the University's lawn. It seems to be hauling a plow and has carved a deep, destructive, but very well crafted furrow through the neighborhood. Walking towards you from the ship is what seems to be a farmer with an eyepatch and a peg-leg. Or, maybe it's a pirate wearing over-alls and carrying a pitchfork. Either way, before you can decide, he hands you a rather large egg and says "Ahoy, good neighbor! This be for you!"

As he hobbles back to the ship, he stops for a moment, looks up at the sky and says "Avast! It looks like we'll be gettin' some weather, then. Best tell Ma to bring in the chickens."

The ship sails off across the land with its Jolly Rogers waving proudly. The last thing you hear before it disappears over the horizon is a soft mooing sound.

When Used

You turn the egg over in your hands, trying to decide what do do with it. Scrambled? Fried? Boiled? Just as you finally decide that this would make a terrific omelette, the egg cracks and... something comes out. An enormous creature emerges, covered with brightly-coloured feathers, a gigantic pair of sharp horns, and wobbly legs. Of course its legs are wobbly. It's a new born. Haven't you ever seen Bambi?

It's really quite impressive, but... well, you'd really quite have liked that omelette.




Zammorak - 12 | CeruleanArcher - 1 | unknownZ - 1 | Sallyfox - 1 | CommanderMack - 1 | VectorMonkey - 1 | HolderofSecrets - 1 | Grokly - 1 | Crunchie - 1 | OinkOink08 - 1

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