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Out of the corner of your eye, you catch sight of a balloon on a string, bobbing from a nearby sewer grate. Since there's nobody around, you reason that the balloon must belong to nobody, and that therefore it should now belong to you. You decide to grab it.

You try to take it, but the string is snagged on something and you're going to need to un-snag it before you can claim your prize. You get down as low as you can and stretch out your arm, shoulder deep into the grate, but just as your finger-tips touch the end of the string, a gloved hand takes hold of your wrist and a voice rasps, "Hello, Billy! It's so nice to see you again."

What the hell? You break free of the grip and stumble backwards. A brightly-painted face looms into view, grinning maniacally. Ughhh! A clown!

"Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you! It's just that I'm... see, I'm stuck down here, and I need your help. I'll give you these nice treats if you help me."

The clown throws something in your direction, and you pick it up without really looking and stuff it in your backpack.

You consider your options briefly, but decide to just walk away. Clowns are creepy, and besides, you're ninety-percent sure that guy probably wears lingerie under his clown suit anyway.





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