Beige Hornet superhero costume

Revision as of 01:15, 19 January 2010 by Jupider (talk | contribs) (To the rescue!!!)
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Contents: 1 x mask, 1 x cape, 1 x tights, 1 x ring.

One size fits all. Suitable for children over 3 years. Warning: May inspire wearer to do completely dull and uninteresting things.

Type: Miscellaneous Items
Cannot Be Discarded
Can be traded
Can be stored
Can be gifted

Obtained From

When Used

You gain the following:



This is a clear reference to the radio and TV superhero known as The Green Hornet
The color beige is often described as boring or dull. (Hence the second line of the description.)


cowboy - 3 | JackAssed - 2 | unknownZ - 1 | Spiff - 1 | Right2Wrong2000 - 1 | OinkOink08 - 1 | Diarmuid - 1 | CeruleanArcher - 1 | elric - 1 | Impalix - 1

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