Frozen blueberry daiquiri

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It's blue, da ba dee, da ba die.

Type: drink
Autosell value: 50
Turns on use: 8-10
Intoxication on use: 5
Bladder: 3

Can be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be traded
Can be stored

Plural: unknown

Obtained From


Ingredients: 1 Blueberry Dixon Crushee (TM) 1 Tiny bottle of vodka
Result: Frozen blueberry daiquiri

When Consumed

You drink the frozen blueberry daiquiri and get a sudden urge to grab your BFF, scream, "WOOOO!" and slam down at least 6 more of these in rapid succession.



Alcoholic Crushees:
frozen blueberry daiquiri / frozen bourbon and cola / frozen cherry margarita / frozen gin and juice / frozen lesjito / frozen grape scotch!


  • Description is a reference to the song, "Blue" by Eiffle 65.


LordCretin - 100 | unknownZ - 1 | guymansir - 1 | Gurps - 1

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