Golden eggbeater

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There's some intricate writing sketched into the handle part. It says "ACME". Which is probably short for "A Curiously Mystic Eggbeater". Whatever. This baby's gonna help you become Paradox City's next top model! That is, when they start looking for people to model in kitchenware catalogues.

Autosell Value: 3000
Cannot Be Discarded

Obtained From


  • Autosell used to be 7500 but was reduced on February 9th, 2009.


  • ACME is a reference to the ACME Corporation which is a fictional corporation that exists in several cartoons, films and TV series, most significantly in the Looney Tunes universe, where it appeared most prominently in the Road Runner/Wile E. Coyote cartoons
  • "Paradox City's next top model" is reference to America's Next Top Model and other similarly named reality shows.


McFeisty - 321 | Fizzbin - 212 | kareneliot - 166 | Reenix - 142 | Josiah - 76 | JazzyCat - 28 | BrownChickenBrownCow - 26 | pandamonieum - 19 | Rakkasan - 18 | Jesus - 13

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