The Wabbit Hunter

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On First Visit

"Well hewwo there. I'm Woss Wobinson and I'm gwad you stopped by, you wook wike the kind of person who can help me with a special task!"

"Woss Wobinson? Dude, nice speech impediment! What's your middle name, Wwewwewwyn?"

"Um, no it's John. But that's beside the point. A pwague of wascawwy wabbits has decended on Pawadox City and they are weaking all sorts of havoc! Aside fwom their weguwar hole digging, cawwot eating antics, these wabbits are even twying to leave tweats for childwen and we weawwy can't wet them get away with this!

The powers that be here in Pawadox City have decwared it wabbit season and are asking Pawacites to join the cause and enwist to help. What do you say? Would you wike to kill the wabbits?"

Kill The Wabbits!

No Thanks

On All Visits After

"You have your "magic" helmet now, you should be off whacking wabbits!"

"Huh uh uh uh uh!"



  • Woss Wobinson is based on the cartoon character Elmer Fudd, and has a similar speech impediment.

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