LepreCON sticker

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This sticker is awarded in honour of all those who went racing to their inventory to check their losses on April Fool's Day 2011! To be sure.

Type: sticker
Can not be discarded
Can not be autosold
Can not be traded
Can be stored

Obtained From

  • Was given out to players who logged in on April Fool's Day 2011 and participating on the "stealing" of items from leprechauns.

When Used

  • Keeping a keen eye out for marauding leprechauns, you peel the backing off this sticker and align it nervously in your profile. Begorrah! It's still there.

You lose 1 LepreCON sticker, leaving you with 0.


  • The sticker image shows up as Lepre CON.png in your profile.



Grokly - 1 | yemors - 1 | Right2Wrong2000 - 1

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