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The advert for this interesting device says, "The watch that watches you!" Creepy? A little. But it was on sale and you really needed to know what time it was.

Type: bling
Defence: 80
Autosell value: n/a

Cannot be discarded
Cannot be autosold
Can be traded
Can be stored

Outfit name: n/a

Plural: ?
Bonus: Provides timely assistance during combat.

Obtained By

When Used

  • You fumble with the BioFeedback Watch for a moment or two and locate the little red button. You push the button and the object makes a bunch of weird metallic noises, and starts changing so quickly that you become a little dizzy.
    • You lose 'X' HP where X = 10% of Total HP rounded to the nearest whole number

In Combat

  • Your BioFeedback Watch detects your distress and releases nano-bots onto your skin. Battle bots? No, healing bots. You feel a little bit better!
    • You gain X HP
    • You gain X TP
  • Your BioFeedback Watch gives off a creepy electronic laugh and remarks how fallible humans are. It does however acknowledge that you are a little superior to your peers by having chosen it. It rewards you with a bit of extra experience.
  • Your BioFeedback Watch scans your opponent and magnetically removes a small pile of her loose change.
  • Your BioFeedback Watch emits an ultra-high-frequency sonic squeal, causing X DAMAGE to your opponent's aural sensory appendages (that's "ears" for the most part). Whew! Good thing you had your ear plugs in!.
  • Your BioFeedback Watch detects a potential incoming blow, and recognising your weak, inferior human form, puts forth a force field which should hopefully give you some protection.
  • Your BioFeedback Watch begins to beep loudly. Huh. You're not sure if you should be worried or not.
  • Your BioFeedback Watch displays a very complicated bar graph. You try and figure out what it means, but it's all Greek to you.
  • Your BioFeedback Watch beeps and displays a message..."ANALYSING. PLEASE WAIT..." After a few seconds it beeps again and the display changes... "ANALYSIS COMPLETE! TEST RESULTS: NEGATIVE." Ummm, OK then. You're not sure whether or not you should feel relieved.
  • Your BioFeedback Watch clicks and whirrs. You feel a little bit funny, but it was probably just something you ate.


  • If you attempt to use this item with insufficient HP, you are given the message "Using this is a bit too dangerous for you right now. Try again when you're a bit healthier."


  • A biofeedback watch is a product that gives you not only the time of day, but also an indication of your bioelectric energy flow.


Diarmuid - 1

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