Difference between revisions of "Different sparring partner"

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*You gain 4-6 [[brawn]]
*You gain 4-6 [[brawn]] [[subpoints]]
*You gain 1-3 [[brains]]
*You gain 1-3 [[brains]] [[subpoints]]
*You gain 1-3 [[bravado]]
*You gain 1-3 [[bravado]] [[subpoints]]
== Notes ==
== Notes ==

Revision as of 22:49, 11 February 2009

Spade.jpg This page needs spading.




This guy will also help you learn to defend yourself and inflict damage. Only this time, with a stick.

You are fighting a different sparring partner

While his attention is directed elsewhere, you creep up on him.

Opponent Level Information

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:


Combat Messages

Miss Messages:

  • He tries to belt you in the <BODYPARTS> but isn't a very good <belt>er and misses!
  • He attempts to belt you in the <BODYPARTS> but can't quite manage it!
  • He tries to pound you in the <BODYPARTS> but fails, dismally!





This guy will apparently belt you, even with his 'stick' on hand, or even in his shorts (with no pockets).


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