Funky pink spores

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Within these spores is contained the essence of pinkness itself. Just looking at them makes you want to go buy a fashion magazine and text your BFF.

Type: lotions and/or potions
Autosell value: 79

Cannot be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be stored
Can be traded

Plural: Clumps of funky pink spora

Obtained From

When Used

You carefully sniff the pile of funky pink spores, which instantly causes you to sneeze. A funky pink cloud surrounds you.

You acquire an effect: Pink Clouds (5 turns)



  • "BFF" is text and internet slang for "Best Friends Forever"


Rakkasan - 3895 | CommanderMack - 520 | LordCretin - 500 | Gurps - 214 | McFeisty - 212 | Sponge_Bob - 50 | Josiah - 40 | Arikel - 29 | Seir - 28 | Rapthorne - 20

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