Naive spring water

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Revision as of 15:12, 27 March 2011 by Commandermack (talk | contribs) (N/A intoxication)
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The label proudly claims that this water is hand-collected by virginal mountain ladies and bottled streamside to be delivered in its purity to you. And we all love mountain virgins, right? This would all be somewhat more believable if not for the brand name, printed in huge letters across the front of the label!

Type: drink
Autosell value: 14
Turns on use: 1-2
Intoxication on use: N/A
Bladder: 1

Cannot be be discarded
Can be be autosold
Can be be traded
Can be be stored

Plural: bottles of naive spring water

Obtained From

When Consumed

You drink the Naive spring water and figure that the label left out the fact that the stream was more of a mud pool and the virginal ladies were that way because they bore close resemblance to the abominable snowman... Oh well.


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  • This item is reference to Evian spring water.


Rakkasan - 894 | MsFeisty - 444 | McFeisty - 299 | Gurps - 146 | LadyDelilah - 38 | underscore - 25 | Seir - 25 | Right2Wrong2000 - 17 | Sponge_Bob - 17 | INVISIBLE - 14

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