Star-crossed scientist

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The term "star-crossed" is usually applied to lovers, whose relationship is doomed from the start. In this case it means that a scientist has, more or less in vain, tried to become proficient in the complex field of astrophysiologymnometrics and was bound to fail miserably.

No wonder he's so cross.

While he glances longingly at a chart you get the jump on him.

Combat Messages

Successful Attacks: He accidentally ingests a love potion, but hits you for 4 DAMAGE anyway out of frustration while accusing you of wanting to marry his uncle. Ouch and ewww! Miss Messages

  • He finds a torn veil by the white mulberry tree and starts to sob.
  • First he stabs you with a dagger, rather ineffectually, then swallows a black, sticky liquid from an ornate chalice.






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